Saturday, March 26, 2011

To Whom It May Concern

Why are you so far from me?
In my arms is where you ought to be
How long will you make me wait?
I don't know how much more I can take
I missed you...
But I haven't met you

Oh how I want to
How I do
Slowly counting down the days
Till I finally know your name

The way your hand feels round my waist
The way you laugh
The way your kisses taste
I missed you...
But I haven't met you

Oh how I want to
How I do, How I do
I missed you...
But I haven't met you

Oh how I missed you...
I haven't met you

Oh but I want to
Oh how I want to

Dear whoever you might be
I'm still waiting patiently. 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Love is Unyielding.

"I'm scared of love, but I need Love."

Some people believe that they are not worth loving, and that makes my heart sad, because in our Father's eyes, we are more than worth loving.

It also makes me extremely sad that something meant to be so beautiful and pure, has hurt people and enabled them from feeling or expressing the action of love.

You can start to see the passion this couple has to not mess up in their relationship and there desire to never make the other feel unlovable. It's a beautiful thing.

God is Love.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Nathan and Brittany Fray.


So many people in this world, including myself don't fully understand what love is. The image of love has been concocted in misplaced by this generation and has been skewed to look like something it's not. It's not easy, it's not convenient, it's not controllable. 

Pure love is something that Nathan and Brittany Fray are searching for through their marriage together.

I love the fact that this couple is documenting their journey to prove to people that love exists and that love is true.

I aspire to have the curiosity and determination to understand the full meaning of love like they do. I aspire to have the desire in their hearts to learn from other couples' stories.  I aspire to have a passion like they do for their partner. 

Nathan and Brittany are on the journey to prove people wrong. Love is not a bad thing. Love doesn't always hurt. Love isn't a lie.

I believe that love can last forever.

Monday, January 17, 2011

and the Lord said to her...

My Daughter
     Give this to me.
          I know what to do with it.
               If you only just trust me,
                    I will make something beautiful of it.

So she did.

All to Jesus I surrender; 
 all to him I freely give; 
 I will ever love and trust him, 
 in his presence daily live. 

All to Jesus I surrender; 
 humbly at his feet I bow, 
 worldly pleasures all forsaken; 
 take me, Jesus, take me now. 

All to Jesus I surrender; 
 make me, Savior, wholly thine; 
 fill me with thy love and power; 
 truly know that thou art mine. 

All to Jesus I surrender; 
 Lord, I give myself to thee; 
 fill me with thy love and power; 
 let thy blessing fall on me. 

All to Jesus I surrender; 
 now I feel the sacred flame. 
 O the joy of full salvation! 
 Glory, glory, to his name! 

I surrender all, I surrender all, 
 all to thee, my blessed Savior, 
I surrender all.